Dr. M

Dr. M's Developmental Blog of Theories

Dr. M's Developmental Blog of Theories

Dr. M's Developmental Blog of Theories, Structure Tests, & Rants about - Optimization through Hybridization of Setup & Mobility, Routing & Control.


Hanz's Modified Ableton Remote Script for Arturia Spark Midi Controller

I will get a link posted ASAP, comment and let me know if you need it. I've basically modded the script for all my midi controllers.
As the name 'Mobile Hybrid Rig' implies, everything involved connects two systems or has two uses. My Korg KP3 FX becomes a midi controller when you press shift+8. When you shift it into this mode, it will interact with an Ableton Midi Remote Script. In this case, a modifies version of Hanz's script, which is a hacked/modified version of the APC40 Script.
The Arturia Spark Drum Machine Controller does the same thing when you press all 3 fx buttons at the same time. It becomes a midi controller and I use it to control one Track in live, 16 scenes long (down). This way I can use the Spark to create patterns in production mode, that I record or drag into clip slots in Ableton, then I switch to midi mode and launch these clips (launchpad style) live while I play my synth and glitch everything with KP3, launching trippy samples to thicken the mix.

My process was this:
I loaded Hanz's script into the Ableton MIDI Remote Scripts folder. Started Ableton and picked the new script from the Midi Control surface list. I believe you can load five different scripts. Ableton translated the script and created a new python file. After installing python 3.something, I loaded the script python file into a text editor and I then modified the script to Specify what size red box, and then modified the python file called 'Midi' to specify which midi control and note values controlled what parameters. Its Much like creating a midi Control chart for Ableton (similar in concept to the midi chart that comes with every synth or drum machine). Then I edited the control cc#'s and notes on the Spark Midi Controller to match the the values I entered into the python script and BAM, you got instant 'Red Box' control of Ableton with any controller. Find Hanz's tutorial on blogspot.com for more. This is how I gain extra control of Ableton without Ableton controllers. I use the new Novation Nocturn as an automap Mixer/vsti/Ableton controller, and my other controllers for launching clips and creating clips on the fly. The KP3 screen also becomes 8 faders in midi mode, I use these to control hidden parameters on my synth. So it's hooked to my computer via usb at all times (thru an installed hub), and midi out into the interface which is hooked to the synth and everything else( at all times). The script I use for my Nocturn is a modified one as well, you can find it on their forum, and on the Ableton forum, I can't seem to remember who created it, but the Nocturn is useless without it, and it takes some time to master, but it is a Swiss Army Knife for Ableton. It is an excellently made script. Especially with some other controllers for clip launching and additional control.

[10.08.13 edit] I no longer have the Spark, but if I did I would now program it's MIDI output to utilize the Selected Track Control Script.


Top Deck - HUD & Stanton Scs.3d Dj Controller

Laptop and Dj Controller

The top shelf on this rack case slides back to expose the work surface underneath, and was designed as a laptop shelf. It's carpeted for Velcro use.
I have chosen a 15" HP Quad-Core AMD Vision 6 Processor, with 8gb hi-speed ram, Windows 7, 500 gb Hd and LED screen. I actually chose 15" to maximize space for something else to ride on the top shelf. This is where the Tweakalizer used to reside, to the right of the HP, where the Scs.3d now sits.
I foresee (not that it takes alotta foresight for this one) iPads taking this top position, usurping the laptop as DAW/ sequencer, in the near future (when they and their apps can actually replace multi-core processing at higher than 16bit, integrate more ports, and gain a more stable clock).
As of now I use an iPod touch in the rig, but in a 'instrument/ sampler' approach by way of the iConnect Midi Interface. I trigger the ipod with midi or touch and route the audio into my audio interface. The iConnect Midi integrates my laptop, iPhone/iPod, synth, KP3, midi and USB controllers(!) all into one midi stream. Every device Accessible to all other devices by midi of any kind. This midi interface is integral to this setup and I'll go in-depth more on it in a further section.


Application of Occham's Razor to Mobile Dj / Live Production Setup and Rigs

Here are some pictures of previous incarnations of the Mobile Hybrid Controllerism Rig. They should be in order of old to newest.
Notes pertaining to pictures
- If you notice the launchpad is missing in the new rig, it has been swapped for a Quneo that (after all delays) will finally be here next week. A clip launch controller is an integral part of the Mobile Hybrid Approach, and a clip launcher with more functions (such as the Quneo's mixer/fader/sequencer functions) obviously is far superior, especially when making decisions bases on size and function.
- My Motu Ultralite Hybrid Audio Interface was being repaired earlier this year, so it is missing in the pictures containing the budget mixer.


Rig Brainstorming, Planning, Setup, and Installation

It began with forethought, plenty of it. My setup has evolved several times, through several versions and attempts at coherence. But through trial and error, constant over-thinking, a good balance of studio time and gigs, and plenty of trips - the plan dawned on me.
Being well versed (through experience) with the 2012 advancements in micro and quad core computing, the advancing state of music technology and interfacing, the new products and instruments available as well as how to operate the old ones (and their shortcomings), paired with a childhood spent networking and wiring office computers...
Thus was birthed the Vision.
The Mobile Hybrid Dj /Live P.A./ Production/ Recording/ Midi Sequencing/ Drum Machine/ Synth / Sampler/ Controllerism Rig.