Dr. M

Dr. M's Developmental Blog of Theories

Dr. M's Developmental Blog of Theories

Dr. M's Developmental Blog of Theories, Structure Tests, & Rants about - Optimization through Hybridization of Setup & Mobility, Routing & Control.


Hybrid Scripting of Clyphx and STC ; an example

STC has a control for 'detail view toggle'.Note77
Clyphx has commands for 
FOCDETAIL -Moves focus to detail
SHOWDETAIL- detail view toggle (on and off)
TGLDETAIL - Changes detail view from clip view to device view.
A clever combination of all of these will triumph over any single one.

I set STC Script as ch.9
I comment out the line in STC script for Detail view Toggle - Note 77 ,by adding # at begining of the line.

I create a Clyphx x-control to replace this Note77 on ch.9 (like this example button below)

This is done using the user control section of the user settings text inside the clyphx script folder.

This button will shift focus to detail and bring CLIP VIEW into to view, when pressed again will close detail view. 
When pressed again it will alternately show DEVICE VIEW and another press close device view. 
This is far superior to simply toggling detail view with one button and switching device to clip view with another. As a plus when the focus is shifted to Detail view you can use the arrow keys to navigate there.

I then create a page for midi channel 9 on the Nocturn. Open AUTOMAP server under mixer tab is an advanced menu. Check ch.9. I name it STC/CLYPHX under the crossfader.
I create a button for Note77 named 'Detail' on this ch.9 page on the Nocturn. Set it to toggle.

Set AUTOMAP as the input for both clyphx and STC. STC will respond when appropriate, 
Clyphx will respond to these new buttons you create to replace more simple functions in STC.
This way you get the best of both accessed from one channel from one controller.
You have now connected midi channel 9 from your Nocturn controller to both scripts (which are set to the same midi channel) accessing a particular function you created within the clyphx script, to replace a particular function in the STC Script with a more configurable, intuitive control, while still maintaining access to all the best of both scripts, with a single page of your Nocturn or any midi controller.

Side note - using  Clyphx, one can create controls that operate on several different midi channels at once, it's only the STC Script that only operates on one midi channel, as it is a script for Selected_Track_Control in Ableton Live.

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